We have just marked the 7th anniversary of Endless. The last 7 years have been some of the most difficult and the most joyous years of my life, both because of how much I care about this place. Endless is the professional love of my life. I’d like to tell you why I love it.
1: The world can change when we have reached our vision
I have rewritten this a dozen times. It’s not possible to convey how I feel about Endless in a few lines. Our vision of technology that truly enriches our minds is possible. Our vision of almost every child in the world having access to the best educational technology is possible. There are billions of lives yet to be affected by digital technology. They are waiting for it.
2: Global vision
I have had such meaningful encounters with people seemingly everywhere. On the floors of homes in remote Indian villages, dancing in the carnival parades of Rio and religious ceremonies of Indonesia alike, and toasting at dinner under a single dangling bulb with factory workers. Endless has allowed me to enter the intimacy of such varied worlds.
3: Creativity
I have been reflecting on what I value most recently. I love creating things. I get such joy from coming up with wacky ideas, working with a team to craft them, and then getting them to users. Endless is unbounded in its creative possibilities. It is my artistic canvas.
4: Technology is scary
I’m worried about the world. Technology is a big part of why I feel so worried. We need responsible stewards of our technology. We are doing what we can to play our role.
5: Scope of potential
The scope of Endless seems to grow. Seven years ago we saw we could bring technology to the more remote corners of the world. Then we discovered that we could use what we were building to bring digital fluency to kids in the most connected parts of the world. We have learned that we have a platform, and platforms enable visions that go beyond the platform.
6: Structure
This may seem a strange thing to list but it is important. Endless is radically decentralized. We are a network of organizations that share a common vision: the whole world empowered. This makes our reach an order of magnitude larger and, recently, my own life more centered. Endless has grown beyond itself. For the first time, its name starts to feel very appropriate.
7: My life's work
Endless is not a project for me. It is my life's work. I will be following this mission to wherever it may lead me, for decades ahead. There is something precious in knowing that.
Too important to number: My Team
Someone told me that when he entered Endless he felt like he was entering the Avengers. Every person had a superpower. And most amazingly these “superheroes” were all filled with heart and humility. To all of you who have made Endless real and beautiful, thank you.
Here’s to another 7 years and to many more beyond.
Happy Birthday Endless!
With love,