The Point: In order for all children to enjoy equal opportunities, they must first have the same access to information and the necessary tools.
Over the past many years I have lived, breathed and fought for our mission:
There are more than a billion kids who live beyond the reach of quality education. In many of the rural and under-resourced countries where Endless works, children do not even have pencil and paper, let alone anything that resembles a contemporary tool of a modern education or workplace. Without intervention, these kids will not be able to take advantage of all the world has to offer them. This is where Endless comes in.
In order for all children to enjoy equal opportunities, they must first have the same access to information and the necessary tools. Endless has been fighting hard to provide this. By creating an operating system that is powerful without the Internet and promoting coding education through games, Endless has built a platform that drives students to want to educate themselves. We continue building tools to enable youth to create their technology and not simply consume it.
A child’s dream becomes a reality when he or she gains access to these critical resources. Please watch this video of an 8-year-old boy, Jimmy, who taught himself to speak English when he gained the type of access we are describing. We want every child to be able to have this.
Despite the importance of a smartphone, computers with a full screen, keyboard and mouse are still a critical platform for education and livelihood. For these many years, Endless has continued to build the best PC possible for children in rural countries. We have created and produced a PC operating system, ecosystem and games platform that both entertains and educates… we have built something that people truly love.
Still, Endless is a long way from capturing this mission we have fought for. Why? And why is success in America vital to our success in the most rural regions of the world? The short answer is that a product that is successful in the United States tends to grow outward to the whole world. But we will dive into this in more depth in the coming post.